Machine hours rates without subscriptions

At Open Innovation Lab Konstanz (part of University of Applied Sciences Konstanz) we plan using Fab-Manager as our lab management tool.
At the moment only students are allowed into the lab, so we don’t need subcription plans…
I want to change machines prices for Users without Subscriptions at ‹ subscription and prices › - ‹ machine hours ›. But i can’t enter prices like for example 1,50€ per hour. Only 1€ or 2€ is allowed. Is there any possibility to change this behaviour?



Hi Tobias,

This was implemented in 73a62b and will be released with the next stable version, probably next week. Keep an eye on Releases · sleede/fab-manager · GitHub to get notified when it’s released.

Have a nice day,


Fab-manager v2.6.0 was just released today, including the requested feature to set decimal prices.
You can find instructions for upgrading here.

Have a nice day,

Hi, Thank you very much!
